Make a CDN file

Make an asset file that will be hosted on a content delivery network (CDN) like jsdelivr.


  • Make a custom version of highlight.js.
  • Make a public GitHub repository to upload the resulting highlight.pack.js file.
  • Use it in a HTML page with jsdelivr.

Make custom highlight.js

  • Browse to
  • Create a custom bundle by selecting the languages you need.
  • Click the Download button and save the file locally.
  • Uncompress to reveal highlight.pack.js.

Make a public GitHub repository

  • Sign in to your GitHub account.
  • Create a new repository named cdn or assets-cdn or any name you prefer.
  • Optional: create a README file, a LICENSE file, a sub-directory, etc.
  • Click the "Upload file" button to upload highlight.pack.js.

Use the CDN file in HTML

  • Read the usage instructions on jsdelivr in the GitHub CDN section:
  • The uploaded highlight.pack.js will be available through jsdelivr with a HTML <script> tag.
<script src="{github username}/{repo name}/highlight.pack.js"></script>

Example for Nevvix PWF CDN:

  1. Load one of the stylesheets from highlight.js.
  2. Load your new custom CDN script.
  3. Initialize the highlight.js script.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

Make many CDN files

  • You can create a website or web application in one repository.
  • You can create a public GitHub repository to host your asset files: CSS stylesheets and JavaScript files.

This way, your asset files don't have to bloat your website's version control repository.