Markdown anchors with target="_blank"

Markdown parsing of anchors <a> don't account for extra attributes like:

  • target="_blank"
  • rel="nofollow"

Add JavaScript to MarkdownExtra to make anchors with target="_blank" and/or rel="nofollow".


I installed Parsedown and ParsedownExtra libraries on this website. They are a PHP library that executes the MarkdownExtra extension.

cd ~/Code/
git clone --depth=1 vendor/parsedown
git clone --depth=1 vendor/parsedown-extra

This allows to introduce Special Attributes in curly bracket at the right of an HTML element. Example:


After Markdown parsing, this will translate to:

<a href="" class="target-blank">ParsedownExtra</a>


I put this JavaScript code in /assets/js/init.js that loads on every page on this website.

  1. It looks for anchors with the class target-blank and rel-nofollow.
  2. It adds the attribute target="_blank" and rel="nofollow" to these elements.
  3. It removes the class name.
  4. It removes the class attribute if it's left blank.
(function(d) {
    var attrs = [
        ['target-blank', 'target', '_blank'],
        ['rel-nofollow', 'rel', 'nofollow']
    attrs.forEach(function(attr) {
        d.querySelectorAll('.' + attr[0]).forEach(function (e) {
            e.setAttribute(attr[1], attr[2]);
            if (e.className == '') e.removeAttribute('class');


You can see the result in an Inspect window in a browser but it doesn't appear in View Source.



Becomes this:

<a href="" target="_blank">ParsedownExtra</a>