Parse datetime and timestamp

Two functions in PHP allow us to parse datetime and timestamp.

Datetime parsing


We automatically get $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second as local integer variables.

We also get a few more as described in the table below.

And we get a more descriptive date_parse exception if its output is invalid.

Timestamp parsing


We automatically get $year, $mon, $mday, $hours, $minutes, $seconds as local integer variables.

We also get a few more as described in the table below.

And we get a more descriptive getdate exception if its output is invalid.

Variables output

The variable names returned from these two functions are not the same, except for $year.

date_parse() getdate()
(int)$year (int)$year
(int)$month (int)$mon
(int)$day (int)$mday
(int)$hour (int)$hours
(int)$minute (int)$minutes
(int)$second (int)$seconds
(float)$fraction N/A
(int)$warning_count N/A
(array)$warnings N/A
(int)$error_count N/A
(array)$errors N/A
(bool)$is_localtime N/A
(int)$zone_type N/A
(int)$zone N/A
(bool)$is_dst N/A
(string)$tz_abbr N/A
(array)$relative N/A
N/A (int)$wday
N/A (int)$yday
N/A (string)$weekday
N/A (string)$month
N/A (int)0 (seconds since Unix Epoch)


To avoid local variable pollution, these PHP functions can be encapsulated.

function parse_datetime($datetime) {
    return compact('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second');
function parse_timestamp($timestamp) {
    return [
        'year'   => $year,
        'month'  => $mon,
        'day'    => $mday,
        'hour'   => $hours,
        'minute' => $minutes,
        'second' => $seconds,

Automatically get $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second as local integer variables:
